Artificial Lawns


Our artificial grass ranges present the perfect solution for modern garden living, not only providing a beautiful backdrop to your house but also supplying the ideal environment, perfect for children, pets or entertainment. (All of which can be quite messy!)

Panoramic lawn

In addition, should you wish to combine either of these products with a bespoke, individually designed landscaped garden, inspired by yourself, one of our design engineers will be glad to be of assistance. We believe this process will not only serve to give you the most use from a previously under used asset of your property but also prove to be a unique selling point should you wish to sell.

So give us a call now and give us the opportunity to bring a whole new dimension to your garden that will give you pleasure for years to come.

artificial turf

Landscape Gardening and Traditional Turf

Not only do we provide a complete landscaping service from design to completion in order to complement your stunning new artificial lawn, we also offer a competitive service providing for the installation of traditional lawn turf products, if preferred.

Please visit our gallery for previous projects.